

LaborA – digital and physical modeling, is a Polimi structure that promotes and incites scientific research and academic formation in the fields of physical models creation, digital visualization, virtual interaction and functional surveying.

LaborA istitution comes from the academic principle that both digital and physical are required for the creation of accurate scaled models, supporting the design and being propedeutic to the real construction creation.


Laboratory management has been assigned to both a scientific and an administrative direction:

Scientific director supervisor is the Prof.ssa Cecilia Bolognesi

Manager is Renato Aiminio

The scientific committee, which defines strategies and development guidelines comprise the following Professors:

  • Cecilia Bolognesi
  • Giancarlo Floridi
  • Pierluca Lanzi
  • Ingrid Paoletti
  • Barbara Piga


LaborA activitiy configures itself as research development, both financed and academic, as well as supportment of master thesis and degrees, and PhD courses.