Tools & Facilities

Hologram Table

Hologram Table
Under the Table
Wand & Glasses
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Hologram Table
Under the Table
Wand & Glasses
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The Hologram Table is an Augmented Reality (AR) device able to render a 3D view of a scene/model on the 2D screen, exploiting the human stereoscopy capabilities.

It represents the jewel of Virtual-LaborA, being the only device of its kind in Italy and one of only two available in Europe.

How does it work

The third dimension is obtained exploiting to the stereoscopy principle with the human binocular vision:

  1. Glasses position and rotation is tracked by triangulating the four infrared cameras located in the Hologram Table corners
  2. A 2D render is computed from that point of view, simulating how the person wearing the glasses would see the 3D model in the scene, this is performed for each lens of the glasses, computing two slightly different images per user.
  3. The images computed at step. 2 are transmitted to two projectors that project them on the screen, lens are polarized in such a way each lens filters out 3 of 4 projections, effectively restricting its vision to a specified device.
  4. The user is at this point supplied the two images, each representing the vision of a 3D model (digital) seen from the perspective of the glasses, making him able to internally elaborate and visualize the third dimension.

The Hologram Table is an Augmented Reality device that renders a 3D scene through a 2D screen, the third dimension is visible only wearing a special pair of glasses supplied with the Table.

Having four projectors, the 3D visualization is available to two users at the same time, two extra pairs of glasses are available in the form of “guests”, not tracked, making an user able to visualize the correct 3D model only if near the tracked pair.

An external projector is utilized for visioning without the glasses, providing an standard 2D view, enhancing the possibilities of interaction within a group, not limiting the visualization to the glasses.

It’s possible to create software runnable on the Hologram Table by utilizing Unity Game Engine to create an application with a toolkit, in the form of a .unitypackage that implements common API calls to the Hologram Table.

360° Virtual Theatre

The 360° Virtual Theatre is an immersive Mixed Reality (XR) device, utilized to render immersive environments on a cylindric structure, projecting both on the sides and on the floor.

It allows for user simulation experiences such as walking or cycling inside a 3D digital model.

Brainwaves Reading
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Brainwaves Reading
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How does it work

The Virtual Theatre works through the utilization of six different projectors, four of which are employed for rendering along the cylinder sides and two for rendering on the floor

Each side projector is responsible for more than 90° portion of the structure, overlaps between the devices is needed for an accurate calibration among the entire side.

Scenes can be realized through Unity Game Engine (easier to configure with external APIs) or Unreal Engine (for better graphics and visual effects).

Virtual Theatre is utilized for immersive experiences done in groups, due to the complete absence of required equipment to visualize it, the immersive feeling can be enhanced through simulating hardware such as the Omnidiretional Treadmill, for walking simulation and a Cyclette, for cycling one. Devices need to be configured with the Theatre with an application that comprise both APIs to correctly work in conjuction.