The laboratory, making use of the skills of professional model makers, offers consultancy in the design and creation of presentation models to the master’s degree students and makes available to them machines for cutting and sanding wood and for processing expanded plastic materials, numerical control instruments, 3D filament printers and a bright classroom where you can work on creating your own model.

are you a master’s degree student and do you want to build a model?
1. download and fill in the access request form
Read the entire form to find out what the workshop has to offer and how to move around the facility safely.
2. send it to
3. receive by e-mail within 24 hours a date for the appointment in which to check your needs and if necessary receive advice from tutors who are professional model makers
Come at the appointment with the project drawings PRINTED to the scale of the model you want to realise and with all the material needed to explain your ideas such as: images and renderings.
4. when you are ready to start, show up in the laboratory and request a workstation
Thirty-four work groups with up to a maximum of eighty users can access the laboratory at the same time. The workstations are assigned by agreeing on a completion time for each model and giving priority to the graduating students of the first scheduled session. If the tables are all occupied at the time of the request, you will be added to the waiting list.
5. if you have any doubts, ask your tutor or other staff members for help
6. at the end of the work, completely clear the workstation to give other students the opportunity to use it and remember that unassigned workstations are cleared every day of all abandoned materials and works
the laboratory


+39 02 2399 5670
Campus Bonadi -16A building – via Ampère, 2 – 20133 Milano